Supplying New Zealand Retail sector
zephyr group limited
Phone: 0800 937 123
Email: sales@zep.co.nz
Website: www.zep.co.nz
hobeca trading ltd
Phone: (09) 249 0499
Website: www.hobeca.co.nz
Phone: (09) 438 5839
Email: admin@camaproducts.co.nz
Website: www.camaproducts.co.nz
miles nelson
Phone: 0800 663 5766
Email: info@milesnelson.co.nz
Website: www.miles-nelson.com
H.S White
Phone: (06) 350 2440
Email: sales@hswhite.co.nz
Website: www.hswhite.co.nz
Harken New Zealand Ltd
Phone: (09) 303 3744
Email: info@fosterandco.co.nz
Website: www.harken.co.nz
Motor Machinist
Phone: (06) 356 4832
Email: motormach@clear.net.nz
Website: www.motormachinists.com
Nacsan Products
Phone: (07) 378 8008
Email: nacsan@xtra.co.nz
Website: www.nacsan.co.nz
Orion Distributors
Phone: 0800 724 674
Email: sales@oriondistributors.co.nz
Website: www.oriondistributors.co.nz
Quality Transport Equipment NZ
Phone: (09) 570 5145
Email: qtenzl@xtra.co.nz
Seaharvestor Tackle
Phone: (09) 438 9689
Email: info@seaharvester.co.nz
Website: www.seaharvester.co.nz
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Get In TouchI sprayed and wiped down an old reel that had failed with MX3. About three weeks went by and I needed a handle off that old reel, I thought I had put the wrong one up there as it now looked a lot better and seemed to work better. That really shocked me so I cleaned and sprayed down all the reels I use on my charters. This has lead me to use all the products from Inox and I have now thrown away all the old faithful products I had. Nice work and keep up the supply.
Capt. Jeff Brown, Copout Fishing Charters
I sprayed and wiped down an old reel that had failed with MX3. About three weeks went by and I needed a handle off that old reel, I thought I had put the wrong one up there as it now looked a lot better and seemed to work better. That really shocked me so I cleaned and sprayed down all the reels I use on my charters. This has lead me to use all the products from Inox and I have now thrown away all the old faithful products I had. Nice work and keep up the supply.