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  • 0800 000 685

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  • “We have been using Inox MX3 and MX4 on our fishing tackle, outboards and boat trailers since 2010 and I can’t speak more highly of these products. They provide awesome protection from saltwater and keep important moving parts lubricated, this is in the harshest of all elements to help keep anglers prized gear working.  Inox is the product we recommend to our readers and fishing industry clients.”

    Mathew Hewetson – Publisher – Fishing in Godzone

  • “I sprayed and wiped down an old reel that had failed with MX3. About three weeks went by and I needed a handle off that old reel, I thought I had put the wrong one up there as it now looked a lot better and seemed to work better. That really shocked me so I cleaned and sprayed down all the reels I use on my charters. This has lead me to use all the products from Inox and I have now thrown away all the old faithful products I had. Nice work and keep up the supply.”

    Capt. Jeff Brown – Copout Fishing Charters