MX3 Lubricant
Displaces, Penetrates, Lubricates & Protects.
Product information
The only lubricant in the world with the special MX3 anti-corrosion, anti-moisture formula for the twenty – first century.
MX3 is an anti-corrosion anti-moisture lubricant designed to be sprayed on surfaces and between moving parts. The lubricant is made with a high grade white oil, rust inhibitors and other components to give lasting protection from corrosion and oxidation. MX3 will penetrate through bolts and parts that are stuck together to help loosen and easily free up without causing damage.
Over the years INOX MX3 has become known as the “Supreme Lubricant” and the go to product when the highest of quality is needed. The special MX3 formula is now sought after all around the globe making it one of the leading lubricants in the world today. These qualities make it safe for almost every market out there including: Automotive, aviation, commercial, domestic, electrical & electronics, engineering, farming & mining, firearms, fishing, hobbies, manufacturing, marine, motorcycles, sports and transport.

Key features
- Displaces, penetrates, lubricates and protects.
- INOX-mx3 contains no silicon, acid, kerosene or dieselene.
- INOX-mx3 will not harm metal points or surfaces, hard plastics, paints, enamels, fibreglass, formica or neoprene seals
- INOX-mx3 doesn’t dry out, gum up, become gooey or sticky or wash off with water.
- INOX-mx3 is non-conductive, non-static, non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-staining.
Application & Uses
There are over 1001 uses for INOX MX3. So there is 1002 uses for MX3FG as it can have incidental contact with food.
The major qualifing points that makes inox-mx3 lubricant such a good product for the auto industry are :
- Contains no silicon or kerosene type solvents, so it is safe to use around onboard electronic systems and spray painting.
- Doesn’t dry out or wash off with water, has long lasting penetrating and lubricating qualities with good anti-corrosion ability.
- Non-conductive, non-corrosive and non-static.
Auto electricians: INOX is a good anti-corrosion penetrant and lubricant for electrical fittings and systems, unseizes light fittings, switches, solenoids & relays, keeps them operational and free from moisture and corrosion, can be used on all brake, tail & clearance lights, etc. Good anti-moisture product for coils, plugs, distributors, cable joints & connectors, also keeps out corrosion. INOX-mx3 is an ideal lubricant for repairs and service work to generators, alternators, starter, wiper and window winding motors.
Doors and door locks: In freezing and below freezing temperatures, spray INOX into lock key ways, door locking and operating mechanisms to stop them freezing up. Spray INOX on a cloth and wipe on the door seals to stop doors freezing shut.
Panel beating & body shops: INOX is a good penetrating oil for loosening up screws, rivets, nuts and bolts holding body panels, spring shackles and U bolts, suspensions and steering. As INOX contains no silicon it will not cause any problems with spray painting.
Mechanical repairs: Good lubricant for door hinges and locks (keeps the squeak out of door hinges for months on end), linkages and cables. Good penetrating qualities for the easy removal of exhaust systems, head studs, manifold bolts and for the removal and replacement of sparkplugs.
Engine rebuilding: INOX gives protection from moisture and corrosion, extends shelf life when sprayed on newly ground camshafts and crankshafts, rebuilt heads, rebored and reground engine blocks. Good lubricant for assembling motors, protects them from corrosion until used.
Fuel injection & carburettors: Makes for easier removal of injector heads, will keep them corrosion free and in good condition until refitted. Keeps carburettors in good condition, butterfly and choke shafts, accelerator linkages and cables well lubricated and stops them from sticking. INOX is good for all service and maintenance work carried out on carburettors, injectors and pumps.
General: INOX is a good vinyl reviver, spray it on a clean cloth and polish your dash, centre console, door panels, brings them up like new. Driving on country roads or highways at night in summer, spray INOX on the front of the car, bonnet, headlights and those annoying hard to remove insects that stick to the front of the car will wash off next morning with a blast of water from the garden hose.
Penetrant: INOX readily penetrates all forms of corrosion to free up hinges, locks, nuts and bolts, shafts, chains, light fittings, switches, control cables, water faucets toilet cistens, etc and will keep them free and serviceable for months on end.
Lubrication: The anti-corrosion and lubricating quality of INOX is the right product for long term, trouble free service for bicycle chains & bearings, roller skates, roller blades, skate boards, control cables, lawnmowers, snowploughs, hedge trimmers, power tools, door locks & hinges, sliding doors & windows, garage roller doors, sewing machines & anywhere else around the home that might need a quality lubricant.
Protection: For protection from rust and other forms of corrosion, spray INOX on wrenches and hand tools, outdoor swings, bicycles, TV antennas, light fittings & switches, garden tools, power tools, BBQ’s, hinges, locks, aluminium windows & doors, lawnmowers & snowploughs, chain saws, outdoor furniture and the list goes on & on.
Some good general tips: Spray INOX on a clean cloth and wipe over timber furniture, wipe the excess off with a soft dry cloth and it will leave that table, chair or furniture piece with a lovely polished sheen.
Stainless sink and wash basins: Get rid of hard to remove stains. Dry the sink first, give it a good spray of INOX and wait 5 – 10 minutes. Then give the sink a good scrub with a non-metal scourer (ex. plastic or Scotch Brite) this should remove all the stains, wash the INOX off with hot water and dish washing detergent and the sink will stay bright and easy to clean for months.
INOX Anti-corrosion lubricant is absolute quality and has 1000’s of uses in and around the home & garden, for the home handyperson, for hobbies, for children’s toys & play equipment, for teenager’s sporting equipment and the sporting person.
INOX lubricant is suitable for the servicing and maintenance of all office equipment. Use INOX to free any frozen parts, helps in the removal of and gives protection against corrosion reforming. Use INOX to lubricate shafts, slides, bushes, small pin and ball bearings in photocopiers, fax machines, paper shredders, typewriters, scales, cash registers, printers and adding machines. Spray onto a soft cloth to clean and polish office equipment and furniture.
INOX stops computers keyboards from sticking. Spray INOX into electrical sockets, onto plugs and cable connectors to stop moisture and corrosion forming. Use INOX to remove coffee and tea stains and polish the stainless sink in the office kitchen (dry the sink and spray a good coating of INOX on it and use a plastic scrubbing pad to clean off the stains and polish the sink, clean the INOX off with detergent and hot water) the sink will stay easy to clean for months.
Commercial equipment: Concreting equipment & tools: use INOX lubricant to protect trowels, floating screeds. Mixer bowls, rotary finishing machine, stone and concrete cutting saw blades from corrosion between use. Stops concrete and mortar from sticking to window frames and glass, boxing and concrete mixers. Spray INOX on the outside of mixers before use, makes them easier to clean later. Stops moisture and corrosion problems with electric concrete mixer motors and other equipment. Use INOX to lubricate bushes and chain drives. INOX can easily be removed with white spirit, kerosene or dry cleaning fluid.
Laundry & kitchen: Use INOX anti-corrosion to penetrate and free up taps, valves switches, solenoids, etc. INOX has a wide application for the repairs and maintenance of commercial washing machines, water extractors, dishwashers, dryers, refrigerators and food mixers. INOX stops the problems with moisture and corrosion in washing machines, water extractors and dishwashers, spray into switches, light fittings, solenoids, plugs & sockets, electric motors, cold room exhaust fan motors and all wiring circuits. Use INOX to lubricate ceiling, air conditioning and cold room exhaust fans & equipment, electric drive motors, shafts, splines, bushes and chains. Spray INOX on a non-metallic scrubbing cloth for the removal of te, coffee and food stains from and to polish stainless steel sinks (any residual INOX can easily be removed with dish washing detergent and hot water). INOX will help in the removal of stains on the outside of baking ovens.
Caution: When using the aerosol packaged INOX, please allow a few minutes for the propellant gas (hydrocarbons) to dissipate before switching on any electric current. This procedure is not required for the non-aerosol INOX.
Mowers, chains saws, etc: Use INOX to penetrate and free up bolts & nuts, bushes, bearings & shafts on rotary hoe & mower blades, splines and couplings, spray on before reassembly for easier removal next time. Use INOX to lubricate mower chain drives, splines & couplings, wheels, control cables, bushes & bearings, electric hedge trimmer blades, self oilers on chain saws, stops corrosion under chain saw links caused by corrosive timber resins. Use INOX on all electrical parts, fittings and battery terminals to stop moisture and corrosion forming. Spray INOX on frames and body panels before using equipment for the easier removal of mud, dirt and grass after use. Use INOX to clean, polish and protect equipment and cutting blades between use from rust and corrosion.
Printing: Spray INOX anti-corrosion lubricant on offset printing plates and numerical collator units to protect them from moisture and corrosion between use, increases the shelf life of offset printing plates. INOX is ideal to use for repairs, servicing and the on going maintenance of printing equipment. INOX is compatible with printers ink and can be easily cleaned off with most mineral based solvents.
Pneumatic & electric powered hand tools: Use INOX to lubricate all pneumatic and electric powered nailing guns, metal shears, drills, saws, planers, etc. Stops moisture and corrosion build up in pneumatic power tools. Use INOX for repairs, servicing and long term protection from corrosion and moisture between use.
Saws & cutting blades: Spray INOX on timber, milling, saw mill, power and hand saw blades, hedge trimmer blades, large & small pruning shear blades, axes and machetes after sharpening and between use to protect them from rust and corrosion. INOX will readily penetrate and free up frozen pruning shears, hedge trimmer blades branch loppers and keep them in a good serviceable working condition. Use INOX as a lubricant on oil stones for sharpening chisels, electric and hand planer blades and other cutting blades.
Plumbing: INOX will readily penetrate and free up frozen taps, cold & hot water valves and pipe fittings caused by rust and corrosion. INOX is a good thread cutting and tapping lubricant. Use INOX to lubricate and protect wrenches and hand tools from corrosion.
Welders & welding: Use INOX to lubricate wire feeds on mig welders, anti-splatter for electric welding of stainless steel and to protect ordinary steel welds from rusting before painting. After washing with white spirits, INOX is powder coat compatible.
INOX anti-corrosion, anti-moisture lubricant has a wide and varied application for the repair, service and on going Maintenance of all office equipment, commercial plant, equipment and hand tools.
INOX is food grade approved and potable water compatible.
Caution: INOX may effect some natural rubber products with continual long term use ( refer to LANOX )
INOX® QUALITY PRODUCTS “There is no substitute for Quality”
Technical Information
ASTM 1298 | DENSITY @15.6°C | 0.850 |
ASTM D97 | POUR POINT | -13°C |
ASTM D92 | FIRE POINT | 204°C |
DIELECTRIC | > 40 | |
ASTM D1744 | KARL FISHER WATER | 273.2 ppm |
ASTM D445 | VISCOSITY @ 40°C | 10.04 |
VISCOSITY @ 100°C | 2.54 |